God’s Angels at Work

In several places in Scripture, we are shown how the angels of God work on behalf of God’s people and against their adversaries: both physical and spiritual.

We see angelic intervention in the lives of Christians – even after Pentecost – for the communication of God’s plans and purposes, deliverance from danger and judgement on the enemies of God (Acts 8:26; 12:5-7, 23 etc.).

In this article, I will share some true life experiences; some from mine and others from the testimonies of other Christians.

This is the first time I’m publicly sharing some of the personal stuff you will read in this piece, so I might not go into details. I just want to use them to gear up your faith in the power of God.

  1. Protection from a messenger of Satan

This happened a year after I began to walk closely with God, in 2004, to be precise.

I had formed a habit of praying every night before going to sleep. That night in April, I remember praying fervently against the operations of the powers of darkness.

That wasn’t my first time of praying these. Those days, I wasn’t even sure of what was fighting me, but the dream I had afterwards gave me a clue.

I don’t think I had slept up to 30 minutes, when I had this revelation. In it, I walked through our house and into the sitting room to see a lady there. This girl had the physical identity of a close family member, but I somehow knew in my spirit that she was diabolical.

She had a big earphone (similar to the one I used in listening to my favourite Christian music) plugged to her ears and it was connected to our stereo. She was listening to something.

I looked at my mum, but she was fast asleep on the couch (now I know what that means). I walked up to this girl and unplugged that earphone from the stereo. I then turned to go into my room which was close by.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind me. As I turned to see who it was, I saw this girl about to pounce on me. This time, her form had changed; she now had fangs protuding from both sides of her mouth like the popular Dracula imagery.

In a flash, a tall man dressed in a white linen appeared between us and held her up like a tractor holding a car off the ground.

I stood back in amazement. Though this strong angel held her with just a hand, she was completely incapacitated as she struggled fruitlessly to be freed from his strong grip. Then I woke up, appreciating the Lord for His love for me.

Was that lady a demon associated with my family? Was she a human agent of Satan in my family? I will never know for sure (though I suspect the latter). But what I do know is that God protected me from her savage bloody rage.

2. “Beware of these things…”

I had this revelation mid 2006, in my late teens. I was on my Pre-Degree Science programme in the University at the time. I was much in prayer and intense study of the Word that year.

One night, in a dream, I saw myself back at home and I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, I saw a young man standing there. He was dressed neatly and carrying a bag. His mien was like that of a preacher.

At first, I thought to myself, “Is he one of those fake ones, a Jehovah’s witness?” But without uttering a word, it suddenly flashed into my spirit that he was genuine. I quickly apologized for my mistake and he sweetly smiled and nodded in agreement.

He brought what looked like white slides or plaques. On the first one was written a word in capital letters, then he showed me the second one, on it was also written another word in capital letters. These words were sins/vices common to humanity.

On the third one, however, there was no word written on it, but a drawing, illustrating another sin. But it seems to have a double application. Then the dream cleared off.

Later as I prayed and asked the Lord for its meaning, it dawned on me that those things the angel showed me were things I must avoid in my life, particularly in years to come.

In retrospect, there are two interesting things here. One, some years later when I left the ways of the Lord, I now see that one of the things what led me astray was based on the first vice I was shown.

Two, in this present age of the social media, I now see how easy it is for me to be sucked into the second and third vices, but those warnings have helped me to be cautious in those areas.

3. The spirit of death vanquished

I had this experience in 2016. I saw myself in our family sitting room, relaxing on the first chair while my younger brother sat on the second chair. Then a tall, handsome man dressed smartly like a Navy officer walked in and moved close to where we were.

In that dream, I seem to know him from somewhere, because I had no inkling that he was a stranger. He was tall, so he easily reached his hands into the ceiling and brought out two owls nesting there – one from above my head and the other from above my brother’s.

The owls were flapping their wings and struggling, trying to escape from his grip, but he squashed them on the wall. I was shocked.

As he turned to leave, I got up from the chair and went after him. I asked, “Sir, how were you able to do that so effortlessly? But I was told that those who killed these animal familiars usually get killed?”

He looked at me with such love and understanding of my naivete and smiled without saying a word. Then he kept moving. And the dream cleared off.

There’s more to this story. Those owls represented the spirit of death. In any case, my naive question in that dream is a reflection of how our little human reasoning makes us want to figure out the supernatural or succumb to fear rather than faith.

About a year after this revelation, my brother and I were delivered from two separate happenstance that would have taken our lives. Glory to be to God.

4. Deliverance from spiritual assassins

This happened to a close family member who is an ordained minister. Let’s call her Funke. I narrate it here as she told it to me.

In 2006, Funke was ordained as a pastor and posted to a church branch. This church had been a troubled one almost from the time it was started in 1999 or so.

The church was not growing; its members were lukewarm and indifferent towards Christian living, and the last pastor had tendered his resignation after his wife died of cancer. He abruptly left the church in despair and was not heard from again.

Few months after Funke was posted there, she started to lead the church to pray aggressively and the powers of darkness fought in return. She began to experience demonic attacks – about four people (whose physical identity she knew) would pursue her in the dream with guns and shoot her.

Soon, she began to observe physical lumps growing on her breasts. She went for a scan which revealed them to be cysts and consulted a doctor. Though she knew this was a result of spiritual arrows, she also sought medical therapy.

After some sessions of spiritual warfare, the lumps disappeared. Then she had that dream again. As these people were pursuing her this time around, a man appeared and stood between her and these spiritual assassins. He also had a gun with which he shot each one of them in the head and the dream cleared away.

Since then, that nightmare never repeated itself, and soon, two of these agents of darkness, (long standing church members) physically stopped coming to the church. Funke was also transferred to another branch.

5. Rescued from kidnappers

This was a testimony relayed by a lady (I’ll call her Gloria) during a programme held in my family church in 2007.

Gloria was kidnapped by ritual murderers at a bank near Iwo Road, Ibadan. She vaguely remembered that a man walked up to her as she was leaving the bank premises, and asked her what time it was by her wrist watch. Then she took a look at her watch; that was all she could recall.

Gloria regained consciousness as she was being roughly dragged from a vehicle and forced into a room. She lost count of days.

Others victims were in the room too, incapacitated by hypnotism. These murderers would come into the room, select any of them and take them away. She never saw them again.

At a point, she was the only one left. After the last victim was taken out, the door to the room was left unlocked. It seemed far-fetched, because she didn’t hear the “click” sound the door always made each time it was closed.

Then she mustered some bravery and escaped that evening. It was dark, and after running for a while in the forest, she fell down in exhaustion and slept off. She woke up the next day and continued to try to find her way out of the forest.

Gloria finally saw a man who inquired of her and informed her that she was far from Ibadan (where she was kidnapped). He took her through a path to the main road, helped her flag down a vehicle and talked with the driver (she didn’t hear the content of their discussion) who conveyed her right back to Ibadan.

I have no doubts that the man Gloria met in that forest was an angel of God.

6. The invisible helpers in spiritual warfare

The next three stories are taken from Paul Ivbarue’s book, Deliverance: The Children’s Bread (House of Grace Publications, 2000, pp. 38-40).

I have known Pastor Paul since 2001 and I have been under his ministration. He has been (and is being) used by God in the ministry of healing and deliverance.

“Some 8 years ago at Oyo town, we were ministering deliverance to a sister. We were four, plus the sister, making five altogether. The demons in her spoke through her mouth, inviting other demons to come and attack us as the fire of prayers was too much for them to bear. The next words we heard from the sister’s mouth was: “You mean you cannot attack them because they are too many? No! They are only four, attack them and help us!”

“Immediately, it dawned on us that truly there were many heavenly angels around us to protect us during the ministration.

“A woman came for our Wednesday deliverance clinic, and the power of God touched her. She was on the floor for about 30 minutes.

“Later she testified that while on the floor, two men in white overall like doctors (angels) took her on a stretcher and wheeled her to a beautiful theatre where there were other doctors (as she called them) who began to operate her womb.

“She said when the operation was completed, the two men wheeled her back and placed her on the floor. It was then she opened her eyes.”

“We were in a meeting in Lagos, and our Father in the Lord, Rev. Kayode Kolawole was ministering. The power of God touched a sister among others. She started shouting “Give me my brain! Give me my brain!!” I moved to where the sister was and laid hands on her commanding her brain where it is hidden to be returned to her.

“Later, this sister came to me to say that when the command was being given, she saw an angel with a flaming sword cut down a big tree and there she saw her brain being held by a man under the tree. The angel ordered the man to return her brain to her and he did and fled.

“She said she was preparing to [write] her School Certificate (W.A.S.C) the third time. The ones she did were not successful despite her preparation. I then prayed with her and assured her that God has delivered her and this time around, she will succeed in her exams.”

7. A satanist arrested by angels

The following account is taken from Evangelist Kalu Abosi’s book, Born Twice: From Demonism to Christianity. In this book, he narrated his past sojourn in the kingdom of darkness and how he was caught in the net of the Lord Jesus to witness for Him.

This is the most informative book authored by an ex-satanist (published in the early 1990s) I’ve read so far exposing the infrastructure of Satanism in Africa. Unfortunately, it’s now out of print.

The part I am relaying is his encounter with the angels of God during an occult assignment in Abiriba, Abia State.

One day, at about 4:30am, while he was having sex with his “spiritual mother”, the Queen of the Coast (she would transform into a girl of about his age whenever they had intercourse), the entire palace began to shake.

They had to disengage and she changed back into her real form. At her command, their screen showed where the quake was coming from: a Christian man was preaching the gospel (“morning cry”) around Ameke Square.

Whenever the gospel of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed in the physical world, it causes ripples in the realm of darkness.

The queen began to chant an incantation and a bottle appeared in her hand. She rubbed its gummy/sticky contents on Kalu’s face and commanded him to go after that preacher and stare at him face-face with that concoction and the demons would melt that preacher into natural water. It was a deadly occult weapon.

Kalu woke up physically, and left the house immediately. His family knew he had a habit of visiting the restroom every morning so they didn’t think it was unusual for him to go out at that time.

After walking hurriedly, he located the preacher from a distance, as he was about catching up with him, suddenly, two angels appeared and we’re walking towards him.

It soon got to a point that the angels were close to him and wouldn’t allow him go any further. He chanted an incantation against them, it didn’t work. He had been given a “special” ring when he visited Satan’s kingdom; the ring is called “the good, the bad, the destroyer.”

Satan told him that the demons attached to the ring would make a bad situation become “good”; turn a good thing into bad and would also destroy a bad thing/person. He used this ring against the angels as he had been instructed, but it didn’t faze them.

He couldn’t even stand in their presence as their countenance was like the sun in its zenith, so he began to stagger like one who is drunk. The two angels captured him and took him to a place in the woods where they had him tied down to a tree by bright white cords they produced from their bodies.

They then left their two swords by each of his ear and left the place. The sword began to sing in a most melodious voice he had ever heard and later began to preach the gospel to him.

Though he found the message tormenting (each time the name of Jesus was mentioned, he would feel burns on his body) one line from the messages stuck with him: “I will make you fishers of men if you will follow Me.”

Later, the angels returned, picked up their swords and untied him. By then, the day had dawned, and after an initial frustrated attempt, he chanted an incantation that took him back home.

We Christians simply have no idea of the invisible battles that take place in the spirit realm with each step we take for Christ. But let me assure you, if you are with Christ, God’s angels will protect you. But if you are not in Christ, you will not be protected.